July 14, 2023

All About the Skin Microbiome


Our skin is our body’s largest organ. Caring for our skin is one of the most essential things we can do for our body. However, skin care doesn’t come down to simply keeping the skin moisturized, smooth, or even bacteria-free as we’ve previously believed. New research is revealing that maintaining healthy skin also includes taking care of our skin microbiome, a complex ecosystem found all over the skin.

What is the skin microbiome

You can’t see them, but the skin hosts a diverse ecology of microorganisms. These microorganisms include fungi, bacteria, viruses, and even tiny skin mites. Although terms like “fungi” and “viruses” sound bad, the majority of these microorganisms are actually good bacteria that play a big part in keeping the skin healthy. Many different factors influence what an individual’s normal microbiome looks like. It’s helpful to think of the skin microbiome as an environment all of its own. All of these different microorganisms work together every second to maintain healthy, balanced skin.

What is the purpose of the skin microbiome

The skin physically protects the human body from external factors, but the skin microbiome also plays a role in our immune response. A healthy, balanced skin microbiome does a better job at warding off harmful bacteria and pathogens. The skin microbiota is constantly working to maintain the balance of good and bad microorganisms. For example, the skin bacterium Staphylococcus epidermidis keeps the skin with antimicrobial-peptides healthy and maintains pH adjustments. The bacterium simultaneously keeps germs that harm the skin in check. Our skin microbiomes also play a vital role in preventing infection and healing wounds.

A balanced skin microbiome fights harmful microbes

What affects the skin microbiome

The skin’s microbiota varies from person to person due to factors like age, sex, and environment. For example, when a baby is in utero, their skin is sterile. When the baby is born, their skin microbiome immediately begins to develop. When people go through puberty and hormonal changes, the skin microbiome experiences a major shift. Your skin’s microbiota also varies depending on the region of the body.

As researchers have recently discovered through their microbiome studies, skin care products also affect the microbiota. Some lotions, creams, and serums negatively impact the biodiversity of areas of the skin and cause imbalance. Others disrupt the balance of good bacteria and bad bacteria, preventing the good bacteria from keeping the harmful kind in check. Finally, skin care products can influence the growth or number of different key organisms in the skin microbiome. All of these effects damage the natural balance of the skin microbiome and its ability to function as normal.

How can a personal care product qualify as “microbiome friendly”

Personal care products that are certified microbiome-friendly have to show through testing that they do not cause the effects listed above. Any significant imbalance resulting from use of a personal care product reveals that the product is not safe for the skin’s microbiome. Testing includes both direct and indirect contact with the skin. Products made for infant skin must be tested as such, as adult skin microbiota differs significantly from that found on sensitive baby skin.

NOLEO® is certified microbiome-friendly

NOLEO® is certified microbiome-friendly

Your baby’s skin microbiome begins to develop the moment they are born. Over the course of their first year of life, their microbiome fully matures. In these early stages, a damaged microbiome can cause lasting skin problems, including weak immune responses, skin conditions, and allergies. Every product that comes in contact with your baby’s skin affects the delicate balance and development of their microbiome, including soaps, detergents, lotions, wipes, and diaper care products. A disrupted skin microbiome can actually cause diaper rash, which is the last thing you want from products that claim to do the opposite.

NOLEO 3-in-1 Diaper Care is certified microbiome friendly, unlike other baby products that use fragrances, alcohols, preservatives, and grapefruit seed extract, just to name a few. Our product was submitted to MyMicrobiome and tested safe for both infant and adult microbiomes. As the world’s first microbiome test, they’ve brought further clarity to the safety of our products — and have brought NOLEO® customers further peace of mind. We use 5 organic ingredients that are gentle on baby’s skin and safe for their skin microbiome. That’s a lot more than other diaper care products can promise.